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Kenza Faten Statoua

Graphic Designer & Illustrator
with a flair for
research & Playfulness

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw


Alright! Let's do this one more time:

My name is Kenza and I've been a playful goof ever since I can remember.
I believe playfulness drives us not only to be the happiest versions of ourselves, but the most creative and innovative versions of ourselves.

I've spent 5 years studying experience and learning design/tech at Syddansk University as well as Columbia College Chicago. Later I'd bring my knowledge further as a Researcher at The LEGO Group and LEGO Education.

But as much as I love research, I decided I needed to play and be creative too. Both before, during and after studying, I've spent my time practicing Graphic Design, Illustration and Animation. I took in small commissioners and eventually got lucky enough to work for The LEGO Group once again, this time as a Graphic Designer.


My goal is to provide both Research and Creativity into my work, and no least; Fun and Play! This way, the result won't have a spec of dullness in it, and I hope it'll remind my clients to stay playful no matter their age or background!

As a Moroccan/Danish woman of color, who's lived and travelled various places in the world, I also strive to stay inclusive and openminded.


The LEGO Group / LEGO Education / GoHeart&Brain / Martin Svolgart / Robotic PlayEd / CatCraft



Fabric Magazine / London / 2019

NärCon / Stockholm  / 2017

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